Welcome all you horny men everywhere. I hope you will find this blog to your liking. I have designed this blog strictly to cater to gay men. This blog is a work in progress so please bare with me as I build it. These are all photos that I've found on the free internet however if you feel I've violated any copywrite in posting them, please email me at joeymuscle0345@gmail.com and I will do my best to remove them in a timely fashion. I will not tolerate any child pornography, hateful or derogatory speech towards another individual. Now sit back, grab your favorite lube and - a towel for clean up afterwards and start stroking the" big muscle" hanging between your thighs. Oh, please click on the photo for a larger size.

Dec 31, 2011

For Your Pleasure: Marcus Mojo

My Last Post Of 2011
For Your Pleasure:
Marcus Mojo

You Can Have The Champagne, I'll Have His Cock!

Third and Final Notice Regarding Child Pornography

Once again I have found members who have listed google blogs that post pictures of what look like kiddie porn to me. I have already given one of the members the choice of leaving either those sites or mine because I will not tolerate my blog being used as a possible link to these reprehensible sites. Whoever has links to these sites has 1 remaining from this posting to remove themselves from either these sites with young boys or my site. On January 1st, 2012 I will begin a process of banning certain members from the use of my site (Blog or whatever you want to call it.) THERE WILL BE NO MORE NOTICES GIVEN!

Dec 30, 2011